Saber Does The Stars (Vol 2: the Index Catalog)

C14 (ngc869/884) in Perseus *courtesy of SDSS*

[stephen saber/2004-2024/all contents within are free use and may be reprinted with author/website acknowledgement]

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carly simon's eclipse

in her 1973 hit song 'you're so vain' she mentions the vain guy taking his leer jet to nova scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun. that 1972 eclipse was clouded-out from that location. so either carly was kind enough not to rub it in, or the vain guy flew above the clouds to see it.
just something to think about the next time anyone hears that song.


my astronomical horoscope
(quad cities reader, august 2024)

"scorpio: october 23-november 21
scorpio-born gary hug was educated as a machinist and food scientist, but for many years he worked primarily as an amateur astronomer. using a 7-foot telescope that he built in the backyard of his home, he has discovered a comet and 300 asteroids, including two that may come hazardously close to earth. extolling the joys of being an amateur, he says he enjoys 'a sense of freedom that you don't have when you're a professional.'
in the coming weeks, scorpio, i encourage you to explore and experiment with the joys of tasks done out of joy rather than duty. identify the work and play that feel liberating and indulge in them lavishly."


lucky ned pepper: steadiest hands in the west

we've all laughed or cringed at inaccurate or impossible telescope/binocular use in movies or tv. the near-omnipresent twin bino fieldstops, ellie watching a meteor shower thru a small mounted scope in contact, costner's first reaction looking thru azeem's makeshift pre-galilean scope in robin hood, ad nauseum. 
for me, the most impressive has been lucky ned's handheld sharpshooting talent in the 2010 remake of true grit. at one point he casually brings a thin 16" spyglass to his eye- with one hand- and from at least a half-mile immediately sights rooster cogburn perfectly centered and focused with a steadiness that would
embarrass the rock of gibraltor. ned later twirls the slim tube like a drumstick as an encore.

p.s., two more similar nok-fails within 8 hours of the above post.
the rifleman, s1e26: mark brings a binocular to his eyes objectives-first. rather than reshoot the scene, an i-dream-of-jeannie-blink-esque edit magically flips the nok 180deg in his hands. pretty impressive adaptive optics for the old west.
madison's first binocular experience in zombieland: double tap is only forgivable cuz she's just so cute.
by the way, let me know if there's a central online vault for portrayed optics fails. i've got plenty more.


c20: north america nebula naked-eye

despite the 4th mag brightness optimism, caldwell 20 (aka n.g.c. #7000)
requires both very transparent and steady dark skies to reveal itself at 1x. 
my first naked-eye view of the fuzzy continent was one of many 'double-take' moments from repeated observing; like the first time seeing obvious red in m42, or noticing your shadow being cast by venus' light alone. 


mercury is the closest planet to earth

roughly 46% of the time. venus 37%. mars 17%.
mercury is actually the overall closest to all other solar system planets.
most people have been indoctrinated by all those tidy inferior-conjunctions-in-a-row school posters. but that's only one aspect of many.
this information will befuddle or bewilder most civilians.


my first saturn-versary

at the time of this post, saturn is back among the stars where i first laid glass on it as a serious observer 29 1/2 years ago- a much more visceral, celebratory milestone for me than the upcoming 30 years in by the calendar. i've felt the same pleasing deja-vu at 12 and 24 years with jupiter back in its 'original' starfield, and with other rare repeated sky events as well.
if you've had similar experiences, let's just say you've come to the right blog.


doublestars: a few laps with porrima (video):


that time i broke an a.l. obs program rule

it's generally frowned upon to log targets for multiple programs at once. but hey, how many chances does a yankee get to visit the amazing skies below the equator?
link: southern sky program mash-up


girls gone wild in taurus

every 8 years orbital resonance allows us to observe venus pass through the fabulous open cluster messier 45 (aka the pleiades), the brightest of these stars commonly known as the seven sisters. but what most astronomy books exclude is what a bad influence the promiscuous vixen venus has on the prim and proper pleiad ladies. april 2020’s slumber party started off innocently enough, with venus tugging ally’s braid but soon devolved into pillow fights, jello shots, and trashing hotel rooms, along with smoking cigars and gambling til sunrise. as usual, poor papa atlas ends up spending the next day bailing his daughters out of jail and nursing hangovers, as venus happily prances along in search of others to partake in another night of hedonism. 

just some fractured mythology to keep in mind as we view m45 until april 4th 2028, when visiting venus again turns the stately cluster into a den of iniquities.


toes fetish

that's transits, occultations, eclipses, and shadows. fans can enjoy some quick and dirty astro simulations of these events viewed from other locations in the solar system at


snl skit: more caldwell! (er, cowbell)

nasa/hubble's 2020 canonization of c-numbers as primary identifiers was certainly cause for celebration among the growing army of gen c-ers.
all that's left is to update the starmap ids in the next printings (or epoch). to this end i've started an email writing campaign to all the publishers, and encourage other caldwell fans to do the same.
to get a head start i've also bought 100 copies of both SA2000 and the Pocket Sky Atlas, whited-out the old ngcs, replaced them with the proper caldwell ids, and am reselling them as used at a discount.
let me know if you run across any saberized collector's editions.


pass them a napkin

sir patrick was obviously a humble deepsky expert as well as a moon guy. consider that he created the caldwell catalogue on a napkin at dinner one night- from memory. 109 objects, constellations, mags, radecs, etc. ask one of the wannabe forum fuzzy 'experts' to attempt the same and all you'll get are sour grapes and tears.
sir patrick wasn't just a dso enthusiast, he was a freaking ninja.


messier marathons are about to get a lot easier

well, eventually anyway. we're currently near the farthest northern point of earth's circle of precession.
in about 14,000 years vega will be our brightest 'north star'. for an observer at 45° n, polaris will scrape the horizon and all of the southern sky will be available- like observing from the equator now.
the nights that a marathon is not possible will be the minority, and our lucky descendants will also enjoy access to the entire caldwell catalogue treasures.


skytimes astro-interview (part one)

st: so how does a deepsky guy end up with a lunar outreach term? i thought you guys hated the moon.

saber: not the skinny ones (moons not guys). and that's when dso hunters hit their stride- during the nights surrounding new moon. i got into the habit of searching for the very young crescents after sunset while waiting for the sky to darken. before long i'd also be staying on the field til dawn just to chase the oldest slivers up from the horizon.

st: posts to the contrary, you're actually just a passive caldwell fan, and only became an advocate to keep the controversy/outreach going, and to avenge the enthusiastic noobs using c-numbers that were shamed out of forums by trolls not worthy of cleaning the british icon's monocle.

saber: all true.

st: rumor has it you got into observing because a girlfriend didn't want you going to stripclubs after band gigs.

saber: pretty selfish of her wasn't it?

st: so you bought her a $39 novelty star after visiting the adler planetarium and ended up spending $1000 to hunt it down and see it for yourself.

saber: yup. the kicker is she was so clueless that when we left the adler she was very suprised, having thought we were going to a 'plantarium'. she was expecting to see rows of vegetation.
but then, 30 years ago i never planned on becoming an infamous outreach promoter, either. still, everything i've tried to contribute has been done out of passion- to pay it forward- hopefully making the night sky that much more interesting, accessible, and even fun.    


beetlejuice behaving badly

as of mid-feb 2020, i give bellatrix at least a couple tenths of magnitude over betelgeuse. 
in the same binocular field bella is slightly more obvious at dusk, and defocusing the pair in a dark sky reveals the difference as well.
also, having recovered from my initial shock at the red-orange giant’s dramatic dimming, 
i now just want it to finally stop teasing us and explode in a historic blaze of glory.
and poor rigel. the jan brady of orion. betelgeuse gets uglied-up by a football to the face- but steals even more attention. (marsha, marsha, marsha!)
enjoying the show,

[betelgeuse supernova simulation: ]


messier-caldwell (mescal) marathon

for several years i've been adding all the available caldwells in the constellations i'm passing through to my standard messier sequence. there's just too many great treasures within a stone's throw to pass up. many can be hunted during the halftime break or while gambling on m30 as well: 


23238 ocasio-cortez

i had a crush on aoc already, but finding out that she also has an asteroid named for her somehow has me even more smitten. i'm not sure why. i don't agree with her views. the rock's name was probably just a diversity gift (she got it for placing 2nd in a high school science fair). still, i feel an increased bond with her because of it. weird, huh? anyway, occasional cortex's rock is 1.5 miles in diameter and orbits in the main asteroid belt between mars and jupiter.

* * * * *

public forgiveness (cont.)

my friend cozi explains floaters:


galaxy-class drums

now and then the stars align, and my drumming life crosses paths with my passion for the night sky. saber's beads was particularly apt, as the tips of drumsticks are also called beads. another epiphany led me to start adapting cymbal stands as additional binocular mounts when needed. and recently i stumbled upon a variety of kick drum heads featuring galaxies, planets, nebulae, et al. check out for my latest kit accoutrements.

* * * * *

caldwells 109- haters 0

it's gotta be tough being an anti-u.k., anti-nasa caldwell hater these days. for the catalogues 25th anniversary, nasa and hubble not only did a major photoshoot of sir patrick's 109 deepsky gems, but have also endorsed the caldwell numbers as their primary ids.
would this finally silence the few remaining never-moore-ers and their sad hubris of the defeated?
i sure hope not. the controversy and free publicity has been so instrumental in the catalogue's success that there's no telling how popular it can still become...

the seenines

(in the not too distant future...)
hyperlight communication has given us contact with the people from an exo-planet near c9, the cave nebula. turns out they'd been evesdropping on us and become so enamored with the controversy and that sir patrick had picked their hometown out of billions that the species unanimously voted to rename themselves the 'seenines'.
upon further contact, interstellar war was narrowly averted when a small generationally indoctrinated cult of caldwell deniers- refusing to acknowledge the seenines identity- were instead captured and sentenced to dress as monks and alternate chanting c-numbers with smacking stone tablets against their foreheads.
(yes, the seenines also became big monty python fans.)


ever play guess the radec?

with 2 midsized airports to my north and south, and o'hare a couple hours west, it’s rare to see a sky without a contrail. multiple crossing contrails involuntarily remind me of the radec grid, and i’m compelled to start assigning their estimated hours and declinations.
please tell me i’m not the only one.


earth/space porn on chromecast

the beautiful, updating astro-backdrop/slideshow is another nice benefit to blowing-up your mobile’s display onto a big screen. (firestick, too.)
highly recommended.


waning interest: hunting the oldest crescent moon

if you're into chasing thin crescents and not taking advantage of the waning slivers, you're missing half of the challenge and rewards. dawn crescents don't get nearly the attention of their dusk counterparts. there is no cultural significance and most of the world is still asleep. this is unfortunate as oldest crescents usually enjoy cleaner, steadier air, and observers already have a jump on dark adaptation. catching the thin horn of luna's limb emerging from the horizon can also be an addictive twist to the dusk event. the still of the night also lends itself to creating a more peaceful and contemplative experience. 
double your pleasure, practice, and conquests- support your oldest crescents.


"what does it take to see saturn's rings? i've got 4k to spend."

4k will certainly buy some jaw-dropping views of the rings. fortunately, run-of-the-mill amazing rings are available for alot less. near opposition, even a 25x binocular will show a tiny but crisp disc/ring system. it takes about 30x when saturn's out roving around the quadratures. there are even very sporadic reports of naked eye detections of the disc 'bulges'. as for myself, there were several nights surrounding the last ring plane crossing that i was able to detect the ring orientation unaided, as the rings appeared more like hands of a clock than just big ears. but if i had that much to spend on a scope right now i'd get a 9.25hd edge and load it for bear. by the way, it also does a wonderful job on thousands of other night sky treasures. (but mostly on saturn's rings.)


those 5th galilean moons

jupiter occasionally tolerates a paparazzi fieldstar posing as a galilean to snap some pics (after all, many have light that has traveled hundreds of years for the encounter).
but mars is welcomed as family, with ganymede even timing a special shadow transit for the red planet's visit:

or, those 5th galilean moons

many are ecliptic gladiators, chomping at the bit to challenge the jovian gauntlet of head bouncers in an attempt to cross the system unscathed. 5.5 mag sigma aries pulled it off in august 2023. others are not so lucky:


beyond starhopping: sharpshooting

our scopes are shaped like grenade launchers and cannons. finders give us crosshairs and bull’s-eyes.
those of us who still enjoy the theme and thrill of the hunt take pride in possessing a quick and accurate target acquisition. so i view starhopping as an initial reconnoiter, not a continuous requirement.
sharpshooters practice what has also been referred to as ‘spatial acuity’. basically, this is memorizing simple asterisms formed by nearby visible stars and a finder’s red dot (or other) reticle pattern.
many of us reflexively form invisible asterisms on a regular basis. in light-polluted skies we fill in the dimmer stars of the little dipper or corona borealis. sharpshooting is the dso equivalent.
an excellent exercise is to see the red dot as the target itself. after completing an observation take another look thru the finder with both eyes open and imagine the red dot completing a simple local star pattern (a triangle, an ‘L’, etc.). return the scope or binoculars to a neutral start position and aim again to recenter the target solely as the completion of a stellar pattern.
using ones lowest power/widest field ep is recommended, as this allows a larger margin for error.
it won’t happen overnight, and some are tougher than others, but with repetition this logistic reinforcement will allow the observer to eventually memorize hundreds of otherwise invisible dso positions and skip the celestial pinball routine altogether.
building this personal go-to database of ‘lock and load’ targets is both a goal and reward of proficient starhopping.
the 110 messier objects are popular sharpshooting targets. becoming intimate with their positions is also essential for those wishing to test their prowess while running the m-cubed (messier marathon from memory).


saturn's teasing tilt

it’s a pleasant fiction to imagine saturn’s beautiful rings coyly and seductively tilting toward and away from us, slightly by the month and dramatically over a decade. but earth is actually doing the unsung grunt work, carefully pacing itself to fall slightly farther behind saturn in its orbit over the course of each revolution. this allows us the amazing perspective of cycling ring aspects. sorry to dampen anyones fantasy. just something to contemplate at the eyepiece, and while watching the linked vidclip below.

in motion: saturn’s northern ring crossing (jan 2009-sep 2010) at


stoking the embers

outer atmospheres of suns containing a majority of carbon rather than oxygen only allow the red spectrum of their light to reach our eyes.
the beauty of these aptly colored carbon stars has also stopped most of us in our tracks while panning thru the eyepiece. 
specifically hunting and comparing these scattered blood diamonds is one of the more forgiving amateur pursuits, as less-than-perfect seeing and altitude often only accentuate their fiery presence. 
the astronomical league offers a great program for those ready to start chasing these stellar gems. check it out at
happy hunting!


outreach: think accessibility

i'm not a recruiter. just offering to share the view. 
unless they want to be recruited. then i feel like a drug dealer, as there's possible addiction and withdrawal involved.
in any case, the easier we make it look, the more people feel they can try it themselves.
i try to speak in layman's terms as much as possible, as if there's no new 'language' to learn. not all at once, anyway.
relate that any cloud-free sky will do, and that a modest scope, or even those binoculars in the closet are all they need. i have a couple of 8x40s that i pass around to supervised groups while they wait in line.
i usually do public outreach under some waxing moon phase and stick with whatever other naked-eye showpieces are available (except by request).
quality/wow factor over quantity. three or four bright targets per group or person is all you really need (i.e., always leave the crowd wanting more).
also, everyone is welcome, whether they want to become an astronomer or astrologer or join the x-files. (those who pathologically correct visitors on every scientific nuance cross the line into 'outpreach', and become the stereotype droll know-it-alls.) i'm not there to criticize how anyone enjoys the stars. in fact, i'm intrigued by the different attractions and curiosities the night sky evokes. the cream will rise to the top without any bias from the host.
beyond that, it's just about making the experience more interesting than academic and enjoying the reactions when that tiny spot of light hits their pupil.
i offer cellphone snaps at the ep for souveniers, and of course have plenty of old astromags/catalogs, dark sky brochures, and local club info available.
most importantly- and this cannot be overstated- use a 5mw laser pointer to point stuff out. people (kids especially) are entranced by it. many would stay for the light show alone. 
it is, however, at your discretion whether or not to make the light saber sound while using it.


butch and sundance

i remember only two of us from the club showing up to handle 250 scouts on a sugar-high stampeding in the dark 
toward the observing field at once. the ground and scopes were shaking. 
quite a daunting experience until the dust settled and the panting troop leaders caught up to them. 


caldwell 76: under-appreciated?

At -42° dec, C76 (I call it the 'less-southern jewel box') is just being shy.
If the beautiful bright cluster was circumpolar it would probably die of embarrassment from all the attention.


30x80 barska x-trail revisited

i watched mare crisium spit out aldeberan after an occultation a few nights ago using the barska 30s. very enjoyable. amazing lunar terminator detail, as always. 
everything about it from my initial review years ago still holds true. still aligned, still mechanically sound, eye relief still useable but wanting.

what i did want to ammend is that the fully-coated barska's color correction may not necessarily be better than that of the fmc 30x orion megaview- but perhaps the brighter image/decreased contrast may simply render it less noticible. this also implies that, in some cases, vivid CA may be a result of better AR coatings- and that those highly offended by false color might be better appeased by fully-coated or multi-coated models. 
just an intuitive thought, but i'll let you be the judge. 
the 30s were not my first experience with vivid vs 'bleached' CA. while comparing four 8x40s, the fully-coated model also outperformed the other 3 fmc noks on (noticible) CA.

i also still employ and recommend my hi-mag training routine for steadier handheld views thru lower-power binos, whether it's a 30x warm-up before dropping to 15x, or 15x prior to 8-10x sessions.

anyway, the barska 30x is still providing bang long after the buck. versus my 25x100, the barska not only has the adler index (and easily observed) edge in power, but often gets more use due to its smaller grab-n-go size and light weight. 
and the 30x stereo views of saturn and luna alone will always be worth the bargain price.

peace, stephen.

saber does the stars at:


forced statutory outreach:
the night i crashed the science fair

my brother's kid had brought home a flyer from school announcing an upcoming science fair and the evening's program; simple demonstrations of basic physics, geology, chemistry, etc. but conspicuous by its absence was any mention of space, astronomy, or even a lousy solar system diorama. 
the final rub was that this was taking place at, not just any grade school, but my own hometown childhood almamater- so now it was personal. 
politely, but thru gritted teeth, i called the school ready to verbally pound some sense into this blasphemous principal's head...

okay, that's enough dramatics.
just wanted to convey my initial reaction. i was even suprised at how betrayed i felt.
anyway, a semblence of sanity prevailed allowing me to see this as a sad but excellent outreach opportunity.
sure it was december and cold for public outdoor observing, but not even an indoor table display or a few hubble pics?
in the end they were thrilled to have me bring a scope, some noks, and a variety of outreach material. 
my 18" round laminated moon pic was hung at the far end of the gym above the bleachers for observing practice.
but my glp easily stole the show, giving me a big audience of parents and children on which to also impress the dangers and legal ramifications of improper laser use.
it was a fun evening and i was invited back in the spring for a full-blown outdoor event.

being back at my old grade school was an experience in itself. in 6th grade our class held the annual folk festival in the same gym. my group's exhibit- brazil- had also been the most popular, especially with the adults.
ours was the only country serving coffee.

peace, stephen

p.s., speaking of glps, it's extremely difficult to preach responsible laser use when you have the overpowering urge to
make the light saber sound while demonstrating them.


do u observe alone at remote locations?

from a preference standpoint: sure. whenever i'm not sharing views with the public and have time for the drive. 
alone with the stars it's a much more intense bonding experience. like it's all on display just for me.

from a danger/life-threatening standpoint: doesn't bother me a bit. there are worse ways to go than with saturn or a favorite dso in the eyepiece. 
in fact, it would be my third preferred 'found dead while' scenario. the second would be while behind the drums.


i was a teenage exit pupil abuser

9x63, 10x70, 11x80. there was a time i couldn't get enough wasted light. spraying it like a firehose from the eyepieces of my binoculars during nights on end of gluttony and laughter. after all, i had convinced myself, there was a free and neverending supply. i crashed numerous star parties- aiming the back of my noks at nearby dso observers, and giggling as they flinched from my venomous stray light intruding on their precious night vision. i scoffed criticisms from my elders that there were children starving for light in cloud-covered cambodia. cursing disapproval, several others would often swarm behind me to catch and splash the spewing overflow of photons in their eyes that would otherwise bounce without purpose off the grass and onlooking sheep behind me.
but exit pupil laws were becoming increasingly strict, and my freewheeling cowboy lifestyle finally caught up with me. at one event i was hauled off the field by the national ExP guard and brought before a judge. sentenced to 5 years of hard labor, poor transparency, and a harshly restricted 30x50, i spent many tearful nights repenting the tomfoolery of my youth.

[epilogue: bino exit pupil is often overrated. like aperture, more is always preferable to not having enough. eye placement is less critical with large ExPs as well. iow, don't let an oversized ExP override your enjoyment of the night sky.]


zerbatory blues

after making the 45 minute drive to our blue zone observatory, confining myself to its rectangular slit of heaven would be torture. i spend a good deal of time set up in the surrounding field and rolling around in the grass like a kid in a candy store, too.


Not Another Moon Illusion

Depending on your level of intimacy, most people have experienced up to 3 moon illusions; the size illusion (moon appears larger near the horizon), the depth illusion (moon craters appear as domes aka the 'convex/concave con'), and the terminator illusion (illuminated portion of moon appears offset to direct sun rays).
Another that's followed me thru the years of lunar observing is not so much an illusion as a temporal inconvenience.
The 1.3 seconds it takes for the moon's reflected light to reach us translates to a
time-delayed terminator. Whether by inches or yards (cms or meters), the terminator has always advanced farther than what we're seeing from earth. So, while we're slightly ripped-off when the moon is waxing, the waning phases constantly allow us to see features that are actually already in darkness. 
Ashen light (earthshine) takes an additional bounce to reach us, so we're actually seeing that area as it appeared 2.6 seconds ago.
The time machine increases dramatically when we view the more distant planets and stars. Saturn's illuminated image, for example, is always roughly 90 minutes old as viewed from earth.
Good stuff to consider next time you see our closest neighbors.


Best Stargazing Locations (U.S.)

Many people are only a 15-20 minute drive away from the most stars they have
ever seen. Center your location on the linked map. Green areas are very good.
Blue is even better. Gray/Black is as good as it gets.
Plan a short road trip to these areas on a clear, moonless night and soak in the stars.


Show Me My Star

If you'd like a free photo of that honorary star named for a friend or loved one just follow 
these simple instructions.

Best Colorful Double Stars

New Moon: Extreme Crescent Visibility 

(great site. email them to include last crescents before new moon, too!)

LROC Interactive Lunar Map


Total Solar Eclipse Seen From The Moon 
Herschel 400 by Declination

Mostly for kicks, but a good reference for target availability and prioritization.

NGC Asterisms/Going Deep For Doubles: The NGC 140

Quick And Dirty Binocular Mag Comparisons


Lightspeed Distance to the Planets 
(from Earth, closest approach):

Mercury 5m10s
Venus 2m15s
Mars 4m20s
Jupiter 35m
Saturn 1h10m
Uranus 2h30m
Neptune 4h10m
(The current distance to Pluto is 4h39m)


First Scope and Eyepieces

Buy the most aperture that is both affordable and portable. Portability should be easy enough that it never becomes an issue or reason not to setup or travel. Some don't think twice about regularly moving 100 lbs of equipment around while some think anything over 25 lbs is a chore. Vehicle accomodation is a consideration if one plans to travel. Which type of scope is more intuitive to use? Some people naturally take to the operation of a Dob over a Cat and vice-versa. The remaining design pros and cons tend to cancel each other out, and are usually not of crucial importance as both provide amazing views. Goto scopes also provide fine images, but a solid familiarity with the brightest stars and constellations is required to avoid alot of operational frustration.
For eyepiece needs, a 32mm Plossl, 24-8mm premium zoom, and shorty barlow will be more than enough to cover most useable powers in most scopes. At the same time I recommend collecting and enjoying as many Naglers as possible.


A Mount By Any Other Name

For not being a binocular tripod fan, I sure have enough of them.
When I'm not beating on my drumkit the cymbal stands are all available for duty as sturdy
mounts for my noks. They've occasionally been used at outreach events for multiple viewers as well.
With the cymbal stand boom arms adjusted to the vertical many can extend up to 84". Most are compatible with bino adapters, and the more robust models can easily handle my 100mm guns.
An alternate mounting choice that often gets overlooked, some music stores carry used boom stands for less than $50.


In Praise Of Shallow Ecliptics

Flat ecliptics are no fun for planet viewing or young crescent moon sightings, and often means it's pretty cold outside. But it does give me a better sense of orientation with the Solar system.
In a world where 'north' is usually associated with 'up', it just feels more natural to be looking directly across the planets' orbits with my head and feet more aligned to Sol's north and south poles.
Near the other extreme, viewing a perpendicular ecliptic means I'm standing on the Earth's side and should be falling off the limb and into space.
It's a very Earth-centric bias and one I've been reluctant to share out of shame.
For those who have not experienced this I should have warned you ahead of time not to read this as it may trigger unwarranted vertigo and uneasiness during future obs sessions. My bad.


Caldwell Fever
Stephen Saber
C76 (ngc6231) in Scorpius
courtesy of SDSS

I bagged the Caldwells as an elective project en route to the A.L. Master Observer's award and found them to be a worthy and, in a few cases, challenging DSO refresher course. By request, the following is a  jump-start for those in pursuit of Sir Patrick's favorite 109 non-Messier treasures. His concept was a forefather of modern post-Messier collections which has also inspired, often by its notoriety, a slew of the individual lists we see today. For the intermediate observer, this is a very nice warm-up for the Herschel 400 as most of the northern Caldwells also appear in that list. Only 70 targets are required to receive this award, making the program available to observers in either hemisphere (but don't let that stop you from traveling to enjoy the rest). The targets being numbered by declination also gives a much more intuitive idea as to their local altitude and availability. Prefacing the Caldwell catalogue designations below are the host constellation, its mid-point midnight culmination date, and respective Pocket Sky Atlas chart(s). Multiple targets within a constellation are ordered in suggested search sequences. Along with the object type, magnitude, and radec, an additional identifier is included for those using maps not updated with this iconic deepsky database's id.

cma / jan02 / psa27
C64 oc 4.1 0719-2457 (ngc2362)
C58 oc 7.2 0718-1537 (ngc2360)

gem / jan05 / psa25
C39 pn 9.9 0729+2055 (ngc2392)

mon / jan05 / psa25, 26
C50 oc 4.8 0632+0452 (ngc2244)
C49 bn -- 0632+0503 (ngc2237-9)
C46 bn 10.0 0639+0844 (ngc2261)
C54 oc 7.6 0800-1047 (ngc2506)

pup / jan08 / psa28
C71 oc 5.8 0752-3833 (ngc2477)

lyn / jan19 / psa23
C25 gc 10.4 0738+3853 (ngc2419)

cnc / jan30 / psa24
C48 gx 10.3 0910+0702 (ngc2775)  

car / jan31 / psa39, 38
C96 oc 3.8 0758-6052 (ngc2516)
C90 pn 9.7 0921-5819 (ngc2867)
C92 bn 6.2 1044-5952 (ngc3372)
C102 oc 1.9 1043-6424 (ic2602)
C91 oc 3.0 1106-5840 (ngc3532)

vel / feb13 / psa39
C85 oc 2.5 0840-5304 (ic2391)
C79 gc 6.7 1018-4625 (ngc3201) 
C74 pn 8.2 1008-4026 (ngc3132)

sex / feb22 / psa37
C53 gx 9.1 1005-0743 (ngc3115)

cha / mar01 / psa30
C109 pn -- 1010-8052 (ngc3195)

leo / mar01 / psa34
C40 gx 10.9 1120+1821 (ngc3626) 

hya / mar15 / psa36, 46
C59 pn 8.6 1025-1838 (ngc3242)
C66 gc 10.2 1440-2632 (ngc5694) 

cru / mar28 / psa49
C99 dn -- 1253-6300 (coalsack)
C98 oc 6.9 1242-6258 (ngc4609)
C94 oc 4.2 1254-6020 (ngc4755)

cen / mar30 / psa49, 48
C100 oc 4.5 1137-6302 (ic2944)
C97 oc 5.3 1136-6137 (ngc3766)
C80 gc 3.6 1327-4729 (ngc5139)
C83 gx 9.5 1306-4928 (ngc4945) 
C77 gx 7.0 1326-4301 (ngc5128)
C84 gc 7.6 1346-5122 (ngc5286)

mus / mar30 / psa50
C108 gc 7.8 1226-7240 (ngc4372)
C105 gc 7.3 1300-7053 (ngc4833)

com / apr02 / psa45
C36 gx 9.8 1236+2758 (ngc4559)
C38 gx 9.6 1236+2559 (ngc4565)
C35 gx 11.4 1300+2759 (ngc4889)

cvn / apr07 / psa43
C26 gx 10.6 1218+3749 (ngc4244)
C32 gx 9.3 1242+3232 (ngc4631)
C29 gx 9.8 1311+3703 (ngc5005)
C21 gx 9.4 1228+4406 (ngc4449)

vir / apr11 / psa45
C52 gx 9.3 1249-0548 (ngc4697)

cir / apr30 / psa48
C88 oc 7.9 1506-5536 (ngc5823)

boo / may02 / psa44
C45 gx 10.2 1338+0853 (ngc5248)

nor / may19 / psa58
C89 oc 5.4 1619-5754 (ngc6087)

aps / may21 / psa60
C107 gc 9.3 1626-7212 (ngc6101)

tra / may23 / psa60
C95 oc 5.1 1604-6030 (ngc6025)

dra / may24 / psa31, 51
C3 gx 9.7 1217+6928 (ngc4236)
C6 pn 8.8 1759+6638 (ngc6543)

crv / may28 / psa36
C60 gx 11.3 1202-1852 (ngc4038)
C61 gx 13.0 1202-1853 (ngc4039)

sco / jun03 / psa58
C76 oc 2.6 1654-4148 (ngc6231)
C75 oc 5.8 1626-4040 (ngc6124)
C69 pn 12.8 1714-3706 (ngc6302)

ara / jun10 / psa58
C82 oc 5.2 1641-4846 (ngc6193)
C86 gc 5.6 1741-5340 (ngc6397)
C81 gc 8.1 1726-4825 (ngc6352)

cra / jun30 / psa69
C78 gc 6.6 1808-4342 (ngc6541)
C68 bn 9.7 1902-3657 (ngc6729)

sgr / jul07 / psa66
C57 gx 9.3 1945-1448 (ngc6822)

pav / jul15 / psa70
C93 gc 5.4 1911-5959 (ngc6752)
C101 gx 9.0 1910-6351 (ngc6744)

vul / jul25 / psa62
C37 oc 5.7 2012+2629 (ngc6885)

cyg / jul30 / psa62
C15 pn 9.8 1945+5031 (ngc6826)
C27 bn 7.5 2012+3821 (ngc6888)
C20 bn 6.0 2059+4420 (ngc7000)
C33 sn -- 2056+3143 (ngc6992/5)
C34 sn -- 2046+3043 (ngc6960)
C19 bn 10.0 2154+4716 (ic5146)

del / jul31 / psa64
C47 gc 8.9 2034+0724 (ngc6934) 
C42 gc 10.6 2102+1611 (ngc7006)

aqr / aug25 / psa77, 76
C55 pn 8.3 2104-1122 (ngc7009)
C63 pn 6.5 2230-2048 (ngc7293)

lac / aug28 / psa73
C16 oc 6.4 2215+4953 (ngc7243)

peg / sep01 / psa74
C30 gx 9.5 2237+3425 (ngc7331)
C44 gx 11.0 2305+1219 (ngc7479)
C43 gx 10.5 0003+1609 (ngc7814)

tuc / sep17 / psa80
C106 gc 4.0 0024-7205 (ngc104)
C104 gc 6.6 0103-7051 (ngc362)

scl / sep26 / psa09
C72 gx 8.2 0015-3911 (ngc55) 
C70 gx 8.1 0055-3741 (ngc300)
C65 gx 7.1 0048-2517 (ngc253)

cep / sep29 / psa73, 71
C12 gx 9.7 2035+6009 (ngc6946)
C4 bn 6.8 2102+6812 (ngc7023)
C9 bn 7.7 2259+6237 (sh2-155)
C2 pn 11.6 0013+7232 (ngc40)
C1 oc 8.1 0044+8520 (ngc188)

cas / oct09 / psa03, 01
C11 bn 7.0 2321+6112 (ngc7635)
C18 gx 9.2 0039+4820 (ngc185)
C17 gx 9.3 0033+4830 (ngc147)
C13 oc 6.4 0119+5820 (ngc457)
C10 oc 7.1 0146+6115 (ngc663)
C8 oc 9.5 0130+6318 (ngc559)

and / oct09 / psa03, 02
C22 pn 9.2 2326+4233 (ngc7662)
C28 oc 5.7 0158+3741 (ngc752)
C23 gx 9.9 0223+4221 (ngc891)

cet / oct15 / psa07
C62 gx 8.9 0047-2046 (ngc247)
C56 pn 8.0 0047-1153 (ngc246)
C51 gx 9.0 0105+0207 (ic1613)

for / nov02 / psa06
C67 gx 9.2 0246-3017 (ngc1097)

per / nov07 / psa02
C14 doc 4.3 0220+5708 (ngc869/884)
C24 gx 11.6 0320+4131 (ngc1275)

hor / nov10 / psa08
C87 gc 8.4 0312-5513 (ngc1261)

tau / nov30 / psa15
C41 oc 1.0 0427+1600 (mel25)

dor / dec17 / psa20, D
C103 bn 1.0 0539-6906 (ngc2070)

col / dec18 / psa18
C73 gc 7.3 0514-4003 (ngc1851) 

aur / dec21 / psa12
C31 bn 6.0 0516+3416 (ic405)

cam / dec23 / psa11, 21
C5 gx 9.2 0347+6806 (ic342)
C7 gx 8.9 0737+6536 (ngc2403)

A.L. Caldwell Program Homepage
Caldwell Telrad Finder Charts


*blog under construction*
[all contents within are free use and may be reprinted with author/website acknowledgement]

Glass At A Glance: Orion 25x100 GiantView Binocular
The Mess-Cal Marathon
The Last GoTo Convert
Lucky Ned Pepper (And The Steadiest Hands In The West)

Also see:
Saber Does The Stars 
pdf (unformatted)

Messier-Caldwell (MesCal) Marathon

by stephen saber

adding the available caldwell showpieces- many within a stone's 
throw of the messiers- is a rewarding way to keep the marathon dso hunt momentum going while waiting for the sky to turn.

here's a template for 40deg N, but can easily vary as to when 
one wishes to jump on and off the messier track, and for latitude 
dependent target additions/omissions. this route adds 62 caldwells 
to the 110 messiers. some march caldwells not reaching at least 
10deg altitude are not included.

M74, M77, M33, C28, C23
M31, M32, M110, C18, C17
M52, C11, C13
M103, C8, C10, C5, C14
M76, M34, C24, M45

M79, M42, M43, M78, M50, M41
C64, M93, C58, M46, M47, C54
M48, C50, C49, C46

C41, C39, M35, M1, M37, M36, M38
C31, C25, M44, M67, C48
M95, M96, M105, M65, M66
C40, C53, C59

M81, M82, C7, C3
M97, M108, M109, M40, M106
C21, C26, C32, C29
M94, M63, M51, M101, M102

M98, M99, M100, M85, M84, M86
M87, M88, M91, M90, M89
M58, M59, M60, M49, M61

C38, C36, C35, M64, M53, M3
C45, C52M104, C60, C61
M68, M83, C66

M5, M13, M92, C6, C1
M57, M56, C15, M39, C20, M29
C27, C33, C34, C37, M27, M71

M12, M10, M14, M107, M9, M4
M80, M62, M19

M11, M26, M16, M17, M18, M24
M25, M23, M21, M20, M8, M28

C75, C76, C69, M6, M7
M69, M70, M54, M55, M75
C57, C47, C42, M15, M2 
M72, M73, C55

*C30, C19, C16, C22
C12, C4, C9, C2, M30

*this pre-m30 target sequence is ordered to allow cepheus 
maximum altitude while moving away from the approaching 
morning twilight dome.

as with the m-cubed, hardcore mescal marathon hunters wanting to preserve maximum nightvision and spend more time observing should practice memorizing and sharpshooting this list in smaller groups throughout the year.

Matt Wedel's appreciated follow-up: Concordiem Australis 


[c38/the needle galaxy courtesy of sdss]

Saber Does The Stars: Astro Sims Gallery

saturn transits the sun (viewed from neptune)
*created with celestia*

Celestia planetarium software has saved my sanity on countless cloudy nights for both its accurate real-time sky display, and as a creative outlet to observe rare and/or currently spaceflight-limited events by virtually traveling across time and space. The vids and clips to this gallery and more can be found at . Enjoy!

[all images are free use with author/website acknowledgement]

also see related searches: astronomical league, hubble's caldwell catalogue, messier-caldwell marathon, m-cubed, messier marathon from memory, deepsky lists/concordiem borealis, c14 is awesome, saber's beads, stephen saber, saberscorpx, saber does the stars

* * * * *


2023-2024 Lunar X Timings

2023 Jan 29 0056 UT
Feb 27 1521 UT
Mar 29 0518 UT
Apr 27 1827 UT
May 27 0644 UT
Jun 25 1816 UT
Jul 25 0520 UT
Aug 23 1619 UT
Sep 22 0338 UT
Oct 21 1540 UT
Nov 20 0437 UT
Dec 19 1831 UT

2024 Jan 18 0905 UT
Feb 16 2349 UT
Mar 17 1410 UT
Apr 16 0341 UT
May 15 1613 UT
Jun 14 0349 UT
Jul 13 1448 UT
Aug 12 0131 UT
Sep 10 1229 UT
Oct 10 0009 UT
Nov 08 1249 UT
Dec 08 0236 UT

*timings courtesy of Dana Thompson*
*photo credit:*

UT to local time conversion:

saber does the stars at:

all contents within are free use with author/website acknowledgement


Concordiem Borealis

by Stephen Saber

This collection of DSOs and doublestars unifies the Astronomical League's Messier, Bino Deepsky, Caldwell (the 76 most northern), and Double Star targets as well as the RASC’s 110 Finest NGC Objects (90 of which are Herschel 400s). Three doubles I couldn’t live without are also included.
Designed with those tackling the Observe Programs in mind, the overlapping entries have been omitted- leaving a treasure chest of 400+ gems for northern observers.
Grouped by constellation, the basic data and corresponding Pocket Sky Atlas chart follow each entry.

M31 GX 3.5 0043+4119 03
M32 GX 8.2 0043+4055 03
M110 GX 8.0 0041+4144 03
C28/NGC752 OC 5.7 0158+3743 02
C23/NGC891 GX 10.0 0223+4223 02
C22/NGC7662 PN 9.0 2326+4236 03
gammaAnd DS 2.3 0204+4222 02

M2 GC 6.5 2134-0047 77
M72 GC 9.4 2054-1230 77
M73 AS 9.0 2059-1236 77
C55/NGC7009 PN 8.0 2105-1120 77
C63/NGC7293 PN 7.5 2230-2046 76
zetaAqr DS 4.3 2229-0001 77
94 Aqr DS 5.3 2319-1328 76

NGC6709 OC 6.7 1852+1022 65
NGC6781 PN 12.0 1919+0634 65
57 Aql DS 5.8 1955-0814 66

NGC772 GX 10.3 0200+1903 04
gammaAri DS 4.8 0154+1918 04
lambdaAri DS 4.9 0158+2336 04

M36 OC 6.0 0537+3408 12
M37 OC 5.6 0553+3233 12
M38 OC 6.4 0529+3550 12
NGC1893 OC 7.5 0523+3324 12
NGC1907 OC 8.2 0529+3519 12
NGC1931 CN 11.3 0532+3415 12
NGC2281 OC 5.4 0650+4103 23
C31/IC405 EN — 0517+3416 12
thetaAur DS 2.7 0600+3713 12

C45/NGC5248 GX 10.2 1338+0851 44
NGC5466 GC 9.1 1406+2830 44
deltaBoo DS 3.5 1516+3319 42
iotaBoo DS 4.9 1416+5122 42
kappaBoo DS 4.6 1414+5147 42
epsilonBoo DS 2.5 1445+2704 44
muBoo DS 4.3 1525+3723 42
piBoo DS 4.9 1441+1625 44
xiBoo DS 4.7 1451+1906 44

NGC1501 PN 13.0 0408+6056 13
C7/NGC2403 GX 8.4 0738+6535 21
NGC2655 GX 10.1 0857+7811 21
C5/IC342 GX 9.1 0348+6807 11
Stock23 OC 6.5 0316+6002 11
Kemble1 OC 4.0 0358+6306 11
1 Cam DS 5.7 0432+5355 12
32 Cam DS 5.3 1249+8325 21

M44 OC 3.1 0841+1957 24
M67 OC 6.9 0851+1147 24
C48/NGC2775 GX 10.3 0911+0700 24
iotaCnc DS 4.2 0847+2846 24
zetaCnc DS 5.5 0812+1739 24

M3 GC 6.3 1343+2821 44
M51 GX 8.4 1330+4710 43
M63 GX 8.6 1316+4159 43
M94 GX 8.2 1251+4104 43
M106 GX 8.3 1219+4715 43
NGC4111 GX 10.8 1208+4301 43
NGC4214 GX 9.7 1216+3617 43
C26/NGC4244 GX 10.2 1218+3746 43
C21/NGC4449 GX 9.4 1229+4403 43
NGC4490 GX 9.8 1231+4135 43
C32/NGC4631 GX 9.3 1242+3229 43
NGC4656/7 GX 10.4 1244+3207 43
C29/NGC5005 GX 9.8 1311+3700 43
NGC5033 GX 10.1 1314+3633 43
alphaCVn DS 2.9 1256+3819 43

M41 OC 4.5 0646-2045 27
NGC2359 EN 11.0 0719-1313 27
C58/NGC2360 OC 7.2 0718-1538 27
C64/NGC2362 OC 4.1 0719-2457 27
epsilonCMa DS 1.5 0659-2858 27
h3945 DS 5.0 0717-2318 27

M30 GC 7.5 2141-2309 77
alphaCap DS 3.6 2018-1233 66
betaCap DS 3.4 2021-1447 66

M52 OC 6.9 2325+6138 03
M103 OC 7.4 0134+6044 03
NGC129 OC 6.5 0030+6017 03
C17/NGC147 GX 9.3 0034+4833 03
C18/NGC185 GX 9.2 0039+4823 03
NGC281 EN 7.0 0053+5640 03
C13/NGC457 OC 6.4 0120+5823 03
C8/NGC559 OC 9.5 0130+6320 01
C10/NGC663 OC 7.1 0147+6117 01
C11/NGC7635 EN — 2321+6115 71
NGC7789 OC 6.7 2357+5647 03
IC289 PN 13.1 0311+6121 02
Cr463 OC 5.7 0148+7157 01
Stock2 OC 4.4 0215+5916 01
Mark6 OC 7.1 0230+6039 01
Mel15 OC 6.5 0233+6127 01
Tr3 OC 7.0 0312+6315 01
etaCas DS 3.4 0049+5749 03
iotaCas DS 4.0 0229+6724 01
sigmaCas DS 5.0 2359+5545 03

C2/NGC40 PN 11.0 0013+7235 71
C1/NGC188 OC 8.1 0045+8523 71
NGC6939 OC 7.8 2032+6040 61
C12/NGC6946 GX 8.9 2035+6011 61
C4/NGC7023 CN 7.0 2101+6812 71
NGC7129 RN 12.0 2141+6608 71
NGC7160 OC 6.1 2154+6238 71
NGC7235 OC 7.7 2213+5719 71
C9/Sh2-155 DN — 2257+6237 71
betaCep DS 3.2 2129+7034 71
deltaCep DS 3.9 2229+5825 71
xiCep DS 4.4 2204+6438 71
Struve 2816 DS 5.6 2139+5729 73

M77 GX 8.8 0243+0001 04
C56/NGC246 PN 8.0 0047-1150 07
C62/NGC247 GX 8.9 0047-2043 07
NGC936 GX 10.1 0228-0107 04
C51/IC1613 GX 9.3 0105+0207 05
gammaCet DS 3.5 0243+0314 04

C73/NGC1851 GC 7.3 0514-4003 18

M53 GC 7.7 1313+1807 45
M64 GX 8.5 1257+2138 45
M85 GX 9.2 1226+1808 C
M88 GX 9.5 1232+1422 C
M91 GX 10.2 1236+1427 C
M98 GX 10.1 1214+1451 C
M99 GX 9.8 1219+1422 C
M100 GX 9.4 1223+1546 C
NGC4274 GX 10.4 1220+2934 45
NGC4414 GX 10.3 1227+3110 45
NGC4494 GX 9.9 1232+2544 45
C36/NGC4559 GX 9.9 1236+2755 45
C38/NGC4565 GX 9.6 1237+2556 45
NGC4725 GX 9.2 1251+2527 45
C35/NGC4889 GX 11.4 1300+2755 45
Mel 111 OC 1.8 1225+2600 45
24 Com DS 5.2 1235+1823 45

C68/NGC6729 EN 9.7 1902-3657 69

zetaCrB DS 5.1 1539+3638 53
sigmaCrB DS 5.6 1615+3352 53

C60/NGC4038 GX 10.7 1202-1855 47
C61/NGC4039 GX 13.0 1202-1856 47
NGC4361 PN 10.0 1225-1851 47
deltaCrv DS 3.0 1230-1631 47

M29 OC 6.6 2024+3834 62
M39 OC 4.6 2132+4828 62
NGC6819 OC 7.3 1942+4012 62
C15/NGC6826 PN 10.0 1945+5032 62
C27/NGC6888 EN 7.5 2012+3822 62
NGC6910 OC 7.4 2023+4049 62
C34/NGC6960 SN — 2046+3045 62
C33/NGC6992-5 SN — 2057+3145 62
C20/NGC7000 EN 6.0 2059+4422 62
NGC7027 PN 10.0 2107+4216 62
NGC7063 OC 7.0 2125+3632 62
C19/IC5146 CN 10.0 2154+4718 73
betaCyg DS 3.1 1931+2758 62
31 Cyg DS 3.8 2014+4644 62
61 Cyg DS 5.2 2107+3845 62

C47/NGC6934 GC 8.7 2034+0724 64
C42/NGC7006 GC 10.6 2102+1611 64
gammaDel DS 4.5 2047+1607 64

M102 GX 10.0 1507+5544 42
C3/NGC4236 GX 9.7 1217+6928 41
NGC5907 GX 10.4 1516+5619 42
NGC6503 GX 10.2 1749+7009 61
C6/NGC6543 PN 8.8 1759+6638 51
muDra DS 5.7 1705+5428 52
nuDra DS 4.9 1732+5511 52
psiDra DS 4.9 1742+7209 51
16/17 Dra DS 5.4 1636+5255 52
40/41 Dra DS 5.7 1800+8000 51

NGC1232 GX 9.9 0310-2035 17
NGC1535 PN 10.4 0414-1244 17
32 Eri DS 4.8 0354-0257 17
55 Eri DS 6.7 0444-0848 16

C67/NGC1097 GX 9.2 0246-3017 06

M35 OC 5.1 0609+2420 25
NGC2158 OC 8.6 0608+2406 25
NGC2371/2 PN 11.0 0726+2929 25
C39/NGC2392 PN 9.9 0729+2055 25
alphaGem DS 1.9 0735+3153 25
deltaGem DS 3.5 0720+2159 25

M13 GC 5.9 1642+3627 52
M92 GC 6.5 1717+4307 52
NGC6210 PN 9.0 1645+2348 54
alphaHer DS 3.5 1715+1423 52
deltaHer DS 3.1 1715+2450 54
kappaHer DS 5.3 1608+1703 55
rhoHer DS 4.6 1724+3709 52
95 Her DS 5.0 1802+2136 54

M48 OC 5.8 0814-0549 26
M68 GC 8.2 1240-2648 47
M83 GX 7.6 1337-2954 47
C59/NGC3242 PN 8.6 1025-1838 37
C66/NGC5694 GC 10.2 1440-2632 46
N Hya DS 5.8 1132-2916 36

NGC7209 OC 7.7 2205+4630 73
C16/NGC7243 OC 6.4 2215+4953 73
8 Lac DS 5.7 2236+3938 72

M65 GX 9.3 1119+1302 34
M66 GX 9.0 1121+1256 34
M95 GX 9.7 1044+1139 34
M96 GX 9.2 1047+1146 34
M105 GX 9.3 1048+1232 34
NGC2903 GX 8.9 0933+2128 35
NGC3384 GX 10.0 1049+1235 34
NGC3521 GX 8.9 1106-0005 34
NGC3607 GX 10.0 1117+1800 34
C40/NGC3626 GX 10.9 1121+1818 34
NGC3628 GX 9.5 1121+1333 34
alphaLeo DS 1.4 1008+1158 35
gammaLeo DS 2.2 1020+1951 35
54 Leo DS 4.5 1056+2445 34

NGC3003 GX 11.7 0949+3323 33
NGC3344 GX 10.0 1044+2452 35
NGC3432 GX 11.3 1023+3634 33

M79 GC 8.0 0525-2433 16
HR1944 DS 6.4 0539-1751 16
gammaLep DS 3.8 0545-2227 16

NGC5897 GC 8.6 1518-2103 57
alphaLib DS 2.8 1451-1602 57

C25/NGC2419 GC 10.4 0739+3852 23
NGC2683 GX 9.7 0853+3323 22
12 Lyn DS 5.4 0646+5927 23
19 Lyn DS 5.6 0723+5517 23
38 Lyn DS 3.9 0919+3648 22

M56 GC 8.3 1917+3012 63
M57 PN 9.0 1854+3303 63
betaLyr DS 3.4 1850+3322 63
zetaLyr DS 4.3 1845+3736 63
epsilonLyr DS 5.0 1844+3940 63
Struve 2404 DS 6.9 1851+1059 63
O.Struve 525 DS 6.0 1855+3358 63

M50 OC 5.9 0704-0821 27
NGC2232 OC 3.9 0627-0445 27
C50/NGC2244 OC 4.8 0633+0452 25
NGC2251 OC 7.3 0635+0822 25
C46/NGC2261 EN 10.0 0639+0844 25
NGC2264 CN 3.9 0642+0952 25
C49/NGC2237+ EN — 0631+0503 25
NGC2301 OC 6.0 0652+0027 25
NGC2343 OC 6.7 0709-1040 27
C54/NGC2506 OC 7.6 0801-1048 26
betaMon DS 4.7 0629-0702 27
epsilonMon DS 4.5 0624+0436 25

M9 GC 7.9 1720-1831 56
M10 GC 6.6 1658-0126 56
M12 GC 6.6 1648-0158 56
M14 GC 7.6 1738-0315 56
M19 GC 7.2 1703-2617 56
M62 GC 6.6 1702-3008 56
M107 GC 8.1 1633-1304 56
NGC6369 PN 13.0 1730-2346 56
NGC6572 PN 9.0 1812+0651 65
NGC6633 OC 4.6 1828+0634 65
IC4665 OC 4.2 1746+0543 54
omicronOph DS 5.4 1718-2417 56
36 Oph DS 5.1 1715-2636 56
70 Oph DS 4.2 1806+0230 65

M42 EN 3.9 0536-0527 16
M43 EN 9.0 0536-0516 16
M78 RN 8.0 0547+0003 16
NGC1662 OC 6.4 0449+1057 14
NGC1788 RN — 0507-0320 16
NGC1973+ EN — 0535-0444 B
NGC1981 OC 4.6 0536-0426 16
NGC2022 PN 12.0 0543+0905 14
NGC2024 EN — 0542-0151 14
NGC2169 OC 5.9 0609+1357 14
NGC2194 OC 8.5 0614+1248 14
betaOri DS 0.1 0515-0812 16
deltaOri DS 2.2 0532-0018 16
theta1 Ori DS 5.4 0536-0523 B
theta2 Ori DS 5.2 0536-0525 B
iotaOri DS 2.8 0535-0555 B
lambdaOri DS 3.6 0535+0956 14
sigmaOri DS 4.0 0539-0236 16
zetaOri DS 1.9 0541-0157 16
Struve 747 DS 4.8 0535-0600 B

M15 GC 6.4 2130+1212 75
C30/NGC7331 GX 9.5 2237+3427 72
C44/NGC7479 GX 11.0 2305+1222 74
C43/NGC7814 GX 10.5 0004+1612 74
epsilonPeg DS 2.4 2144+0952 75

M34 OC 5.2 0243+4249 13
M76 PN 12.0 0143+5136 13
C14/NGC869 OC 4.0 0220+5711 13
C14/NGC884 OC 4.0 0223+5709 13
NGC1023 GX 9.5 0241+3906 13
C24/NGC1275 GX 11.6 0320+4133 13
NGC1342 OC 6.7 0332+3722 13
NGC1491 EN — 0404+5120 13
NGC1528 OC 6.4 0416+5115 13
NGC1582 OC 7.0 0433+4352 12
Tr2 OC 5.9 0237+5559 13
Mel20 OC 1.2 0322+4900 13
etaPer DS 3.8 0251+5554 13
Struve 331 DS 5.3 0301+5221 13

M74 GX 9.2 0137+1549 04
alphaPsc DS 4.2 0202+0246 04
zetaPsc DS 5.6 0113+0735 05
psi1 Psc DS 5.6 0106+2128 05
65 Psc DS 6.3 0050+2743 05

M46 OC 6.1 0742-1450 27
M47 OC 4.4 0737-1431 27
M93 OC 6.2 0745-2353 26
NGC2440 PN 11.0 0742-1814 26
C71/NGC2477 OC 5.8 0753-3834 28
NGC2527 OC 6.5 0806-2811 28
NGC2539 OC 6.5 0811-1251 26
NGC2571 OC 7.0 0819-2946 28
kappaPup DS 4.5 0739-2648 27

M71 GC 8.3 1954+1848 64

M8 CN 5.8 1804-2423 67
M17 EN 6.0 1821-1611 67
M18 OC 6.9 1820-1708 67
M20 EN 6.3 1803-2302 67
M21 OC 5.9 1805-2635 67
M22 GC 5.1 1837-2354 67
M23 OC 5.5 1757-1901 67
M24 SC 4.6 1817-1850 67
M25 OC 4.6 1832-1915 67
M28 GC 6.9 1825-2452 67
M54 GC 7.7 1856-3028 67
M55 GC 7.0 1940-3057 66
M69 GC 7.7 1832-3221 67
M70 GC 8.1 1844-3217 67
M75 GC 8.6 2007-2154 66
NGC6445 PN 13.0 1750-2001 67
NGC6520 OC 8.0 1804-2754 67
NGC6716 OC 6.9 1855-1952 67
NGC6818 PN 10.0 1944-1408 66
C57/NGC6822 GX 9.0 1945-1447 66

M4 GC 5.9 1624-2633 56
M6 OC 4.2 1741-3213 58
M7 OC 3.3 1754-3449 58
M80 GC 7.2 1617-2300 56
C75/NGC6124 OC 5.8 1626-4041 58
C76/NGC6231 OC 2.6 1654-4148 58
C69/NGC6302 PN 13.0 1714-3707 58
betaSco DS 2.6 1605-1948 56
nuSco DS 4.3 1612-1928 56
xiSco DS 4.8 1604-1122 56
Struve 1999 DS 7.4 1604-1127 56

C72/NGC55 GX 8.0 0015-3908 78
C65/NGC253 GX 7.1 0048-2514 07
C70/NGC300 GX 9.0 0055-3738 09

M11 OC 5.8 1852-0615 67
M26 OC 8.0 1846-0923 67
NGC6712 GC 8.2 1854-0841 67

M5 GC 5.8 1519+0203 55
deltaSer DS 4.2 1535+1032 55

M16 CN 6.0 1819-1347 67
IC4756 OC 4.6 1839+0527 65
thetaSer DS 4.5 1856+0412 65

C53/NGC3115 GX 9.2 1006-0745 37

M1 SN 8.4 0535+2201 14
M45 OC 1.2 0047+2407 15
NGC1514 PN 10.0 0410+3048 15
NGC1647 OC 6.4 OC 0446+1905 15
NGC1746 OC 6.0 0504+2350 14
NGC1807 OC 7.0 0511+1633 14
NGC1817 OC 7.7 0513+1643 14
C41/Mel25 OC 1.0 0427+1600 15
chiTau DS 5.5 0423+2538 15
118 Tau DS 5.8 0529+2509 14

M33 GX 5.7 0134+3041 02
iotaTri DS 5.3 0212+3018 02

M40 DS 9.0 1222+5805 32
M81 GX 6.9 0956+6902 31
M82 GX 8.4 0956+6939 31
M97 PN 11.2 1115+548 32
M101 GX 7.7 1403+5419 42
M108 GX 10.1 1112+5537 32
M109 GX 9.8 1158+5320 32
NGC2841 GX 9.3 0923+5056 33
NGC3079 GX 10.6 1003+5539 33
NGC3184 GX 9.8 1019+4123 33
NGC3877 GX 12.0 1147+4727 32
NGC3941 GX 11.0 1153+3656 32
NGC4026 GX 12.0 1200+5055 32
NGC4088 GX 10.5 1206+5030 32
NGC4157 GX 12.0 1212+5026 32
NGC4605 GX 11.0 1240+6134 32
zetaUMa DS 2.3 1324+5456 32

alphaUMi DS 2.0 0232+8916 01

C74/NGC3132 PN 8.2 1008-4026

M49 GX 8.4 1230+0757 C
M58 GX 9.8 1238+1146 C
M59 GX 9.8 1242+1136 C
M60 GX 8.8 1244+1130 C
M61 GX 9.7 1222+0425 45
M84 GX 9.3 1226+1250 C
M86 GX 9.2 1227+1254 C
M87 GX 8.6 1231+1221 C
M89 GX 9.8 1236+1230 C
M90 GX 9.5 1237+1307 C
M104 GX 8.3 1240-1140 47
NGC4216 GX 10.0 1216+1306 C
NGC4388 GX 11.1 1226+1237 C
NGC4438 GX 10.1 1228+1258 C
NGC4517 GX 10.5 1233+0004 45
NGC4526 GX 9.6 1234+0739 C
NGC4535 GX 9.8 1235+0809 C
NGC4567/8 GX 11.3 1237+1112 C
C52/NGC4697 GX 9.3 1249-0551 47
NGC4699 GX 9.6 1249-0843 47
NGC4762 GX 10.2 1253+1111 C
NGC5746 GX 10.6 1445+0155 44
gammaVir DS 3.5 1242-0127 45

M27 PN 8.1 2000+2244 64
NGC6802 OC 8.8 1931+2017 64
NGC6823 CN 7.1 1943+2319 64
C37/NGC6882-5 OC 6.0 2012+2630 64
NGC6940 OC 6.3 2035+2820 64
Cr 399 OC 3.6 1925+2011 64


c76 (the northern jewelbox) in scorpius courtesy of sdss

saber does the stars vol 2: the index catalog

all contents within are free use with author/website acknowledgement

Saber's Beads: Evolution

Saber's Beads: Evolution
by J. Sorenson

"The broken arc of lights eclipse contact resemblance peaked in deep twilight with the infant crescent moon hanging 5° above the horizon on a steep ecliptic at a solar elongation of 12.2°. By this time I was fully immersed in the imagery of a total solar eclipse- as if in the next few moments I would either be basking in our sun's corona or forced to turn away from its glare. Low altitude scintillation added a surreal dynamic to the experience." -Stephen Saber (May 2006)
After his related comment on this young moon sighting, the described visual aspect was almost immediately dubbed "Saber's Beads" by his peers, and gained popular use by other lunar observers and websites.
The term has since continued to virally spread to other cultural venues as well, including:

Existential: SouledOut (2007)
Saber's Beads is represented as symbolic of increased perspective and open-mindedness.

Life Experience: Blogger (2009) The author's blog titled Saber's Beads documents her own personal uplifting experiences as 'staggered brightness peaks' along life's journey.

Literature/Fiction: Cailyn Vature's 'Raven' (2009) Saber's Beads initiate a fabled window of time surrounding new moon that allows those souls in limbo to return to earth.

Music: Sophie Hutchings (2012)
Saber's Beads is released as an instrumental classical piano track appearing on her album 'Night Sky'.

Nature: (Faulkner 2014) A breed of flower is officially catalogued as Saber's Beads due to characteristic random bright patches at the petal tips.

Gaming: Perfect World (2015)
Saber's Beads is introduced as a powerful defensive weapon sought to be collected during play.

Sports: Horse Racing/TabGold (2015) The 3-year old racehorse, named Saber's Beads, takes 3rd place in his first appearance at Scottsville Downs.

Jewelry: Lunerias Luneras (2016) 
The Saber's Beads necklace is introduced, featuring detached points of brightness and color.

Music: Malakai (2018) Dance/electronic track Saber's Beads released from the album Soros.

Art/Literature: (2018) Graphic novel Saber's Beads created by artist/writer Melody Borg.

Quotable/Meme ( Saber's Beads mentioned in inspirational quote by writer Incognito.

Baby Names (Reddit): Young couple notes naming their firstborn Saber after the rare lunar phenomenon.

Art/Paintings: (2019) French artist Joyce Billet creates the Saber's Beads collection of oil paintings inspired by the 'duality between dark and light alluding to an eclipse' and 'the relationship between nature and humanity.

Even with Saber's passionate forte for popularizing the night sky, this level of 'outreach gone wild' was an unexpected bonus, and he mentions being especially pleased that the epiphany-related term had not remained confined to the world of astronomy.
For a chance to experience the astronomical Saber's Beads the equipment requirements are as simple as the sighting conditions are serendipitous. Standard binoculars provide the minimum magnification. However, the necessary logistics and sky conditions to follow an extremely young lunar crescent down to a clear horizon (or an extremely old crescent up from the horizon) while still in deep twilight are few and far between. But for those who persevere Saber's Beads remains a beautiful sight not to be missed.

[reprinted with permission/J. Sorenson, KSCA Meridian June 2019]

Saber's Beads (raw image credit: maurice collins/ltvt

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